One Little Letter_A Bad Boy, Second Chance Romance Page 31
To her mother’s credit, other than the slightest widening of her eyes, she didn’t react at all to the sudden appearance of her estranged daughter on her doorstep. “Howard,” she simply called down the hall, “we have company.”
Kezia’s father, a tall, broad man with thinning gray hair that had once been as thick and red as Kezia’s, appeared. When he caught sight of his daughter, he frowned. “What are you doing here?” he spat out as he strode up the richly carpeted hallway.
“Hi to you too, Dad,” said Kezia. “And before you start lecturing me, trust me. I want to be here as little as you expect me to be here.”
“Then why are you here?” her mother asked, her voice crisp.
“Because of Juliet,” said Kezia. “She’s…in trouble.”
“I should have known you’d be at the bottom of this!” her father exploded. “What did you do? Abduct her for some drug-fuelled lesbian orgy?”
“Wow,” said Kezia. “I’d forgotten how you know absolutely nothing about my life. Did her gym teacher call you yesterday?”
“Yes,” her mother replied, trying to keep things under control. “He said she was having a health problem.”
“That’s a nice euphemism,” said Kezia. “She’s pregnant. That prat of a boyfriend of hers told her doing it with condoms was no fun.”
Kezia liked to think of herself as a real person, but she wasn’t so good that she didn’t get a tiny bit of satisfaction from seeing her parents’ stunned faces.
“No,” said her mother. “Tyler would never—”
“This is all down to you and your bad influence!” her father raged, quickly getting over his shock. His face red with anger, he pointed a quivering finger at Kezia.
Kezia stared at him. “What influence? I’ve barely spoken to Juliet since she was ten. And what do you mean ‘Tyler would never’? Are you suggesting that your daughter – my sweet, hard-working, naive little sister - seduced the football team quarterback? Give me a break.”
“Oh God, the shame,” her mother replied. “How am I ever going to show my face in polite society again? One daughter a pervert and the other a whore!”
“Jesus Christ,” Kezia put her hands on her hips, “can you even hear yourselves?”
“Is he going to marry her?” her father asked.
“What?” said Kezia, caught off guard by the change of subject.
“Tyler. Are they getting married? Of course, it’ll still be a shameful thing, but I’m sure he’ll do right by her.”
Kezia laughed bitterly. “God, you people are blind. The little shit broke up with her two months ago. And do you seriously want your daughter to marry some idiot she met when she was 17?”
“I married your father straight out of high school,” her mother interjected.
“Yeah, and look how that turned out,” Kezia spat back.
“Don’t talk to your mother like that, young lady,” her father responded.
“She’s not my mom,” Kezia replied. “She hasn’t been my mother for six years. Mothers love their children. They don’t throw them out on the street with nothing.”
“Well, I’d gladly take you back if you got yourself cleaned up. But you insist on making perverse life choices. I told you then, and I’ll tell you now, that kind of behavior—”
“Don’t you even care how Juliet is doing?” Kezia interrupted her mother.
“She’s run away from home. She’s pregnant. You have no idea where she is, and all you can do is a bitch about my sexuality? Jesus Christ, Thanksgiving is a week away. Could you get into the spirit of things a little?”
“What do we have to be thankful for?” her father glared at her. “It’s our daughters who should try being a little more grateful for the beautiful home we’ve provided for them. But, like you, Juliet has made her choice,” her father replied.
“Excuse me?” Kezia replied, gaping at him. She’d hoped against hoped that her parents would be more lenient with Juliet, who had always been a sweet, obedient child than they had been with her. Secretly, Kezia had always thought that they loved Juliet more.
“She made her bed, and now she’ll just have to lie in it,” her mother added primly. “If she agrees to do the correct thing and marry Tyler, then we will welcome her home with open arms.”
Kezia stared at the people who had once been her parents, desperately fighting back the tears of anger and despair. When she realized that she wouldn’t be able to hold her tears back, she spat on the steps between herself and her parents. “Fuck you,” she said and ran back to Jenny’s bug, tears streaming down her face.
She drove a few blocks then pulled over because she was crying so hard that she couldn’t see anything. Collapsing over the steering wheel, she began to sob. Very, very deep down inside her, she’d been hoping that her parents would be happy to see her. She had missed them over the past six years, and, although her sense of betrayal and hurt at being thrown out of the house had always kept her from trying to patch things up, she’d always harbored the secret hope that one day they would reconcile. Now she realized that that was never going to happen.
When she finally caught her breath again, Kezia wiped her eyes and thought about her next move. Putting the car into gear, she headed straight for the Galapagos. She needed something good after that unfortunate encounter.
When Kezia arrived, Jenny and Miranda were hunched over their desks looking at something on Miranda’s computer. They were the advertising team for the Galapagos Theatre, Vancouver’s only venue dedicated to women in theater. Jenny loved her job, but Miranda was in the process of getting an online retail store off the ground. She was hoping to make a living selling the beautiful sculptures and textile art that she made in her free time. Miranda looked up from whatever they were staring at and saw Kezia coming across the large, open-plan office.
“Hey!” she called, waving Kezia over with a smile. “Jenny, look who it is.”
Jenny looked up, and her narrow face broke into a wide grin when she caught sight of her girlfriend. Then she frowned, standing as Kezia approached. “Kez, what’s wrong? You look like you’ve been crying.”
Kezia nodded, throwing her arms around Jenny’s neck. “Do you have a minute?” she asked. “Hey, Miranda, sorry to butt in. It’s been a rough couple of days.”
“No worries,” said Miranda, smiling up at the other women. “We weren’t doing anything important anyway.”
Jenny tsk-ed and smacked Miranda gently on the head. “Miranda’s showing me her fancy new website,” she told Kezia, wrapping her arms around her waist.
“Oh, sorry, I—” Kezia felt bad for interrupting their best friend time. She felt like she’d been taking up a lot of Jenny’s time the last few weeks.
“Don’t worry about it,” said Miranda, shaking her head. “You guys get out of here. It’ almost lunch time anyway. I can hold down the fort alone.”
“Thanks, Miranda,” said Kezia.
“You’re a star,” said Jenny, grabbing her raincoat from the hanger. It wasn’t raining at the moment, but in Vancouver, in November you could never be too prepared. “What do you say to Thai food?” she asked Kezia as they headed for the elevator.
“Actually,” said Kezia, as the doors closed behind them, “I thought we could go to my place for a minute.”
“Your place? But Juliet’s at…oh,” Jenny caught Kezia’s drift and smiled wolfishly. “By all means, let’s go to your place. Never let it be said that I turned down a little afternoon delight.”
Kezia chuckled and pulled Jenny into a deep kiss, which they only broke when the elevator doors opened onto the lobby, and they realized the customers in line at the box office were watching them. Jenny cleared her throat awkwardly, and Kezia ducked her head as, blushing, they made a quick escape through the side door.
Jenny drove them to Kezia’s in record time. Kezia lived in a cramped studio apartment on the second floor of a converted house, but they hadn’t even made it to the staircase landing before Kezia had Jenny u
p against the wall, kissing her feverishly as she tugged Jenny’s plaid shirt out of her jeans.
“Hey, hey, sweetheart,” Jenny gasped as Kezia finally broke their kiss. “What’s up? What happened to you?”
“I don’t want to talk about it,” said Kezia as she led Jenny up the last few steps to her apartment. “I just want to fuck you.”
“Okay,” said Jenny. “I’m into that. But, afterward, do you want to—”
But Kezia had her door unlocked and was dragging Jenny inside, effectively silencing her with a demanding kiss. Jenny let it go for the time being.
Directing her lover onto the bed, Kezia finally yanked Jenny’s plaid shirt off, pushed her lover down onto the sheets. Kneeling over Jenny, Kezia traced hot wet lines across her olive skin with her tongue as she undid her red bra. Jenny’s breasts freed, Kezia eagerly brought her tongue up and over them, tracing their curves as Jenny moaned, one hand burying itself in Kezia’s thick hair.
Sucking on one of Jenny’s nipples, drawing it, and a good portion of Jenny’s soft breast, in and out of her mouth, Kezia reached down and undid Jenny’s fly with one hand. Bringing her hand back up, she traced the faint lines of Jenny’s ribs as she kept sucking and playing with her breasts, sending shivers along the other woman’s skin.
Slowly, her hand worked its way back down to Jenny’s pants. Sliding under the elastic of her underwear, Kezia stroked Jenny’s tender pussy with the tip of one finger, just enough to tease her. Jenny groaned, her hips rising towards Kezia’s finger. The redhead smiled and finally abandoned Jenny’s breasts to trail kisses down her tanned torso instead.
Pulling off Jenny’s jeans and underwear in one go, Kezia leaned down and kissed the dark whorl of hair on top of Jenny’s otherwise smooth mound. Lightly, she ran her tongue around the edges of her pussy, tracing the divot where her thighs joined her body. Whenever she hit a particularly sensitive spot, she smiled to feel Jenny’s hand clench in her hair.
Slowly, Kezia began to play with Jenny’s folds, working her tongue between them, then pulling them into her mouth and sucking gently while Jenny moaned and writhed on the sheets. Usually, Jenny liked to be the one in charge, but Kezia wasn’t in the mood to submit. She wanted to see Jenny come.
Swirling the tip of her tongue around Jenny’s entrance, Kezia slid a finger into her. Stroking the other woman’s smooth walls, she drew her tongue up to encircle Jenny’s clit, sucking the sensitive nub as she ran her finger back and forth along Jenny’s g-spot, working Jenny into a gasping frenzy.
“Oh fuck, don’t stop,” Jenny panted. “I’m going to…oh God,” she gasped as her orgasm broke. Grinning around Jenny’s clit, Kezia kept working until the last of Jenny’s spasms had faded.
“What a nice way to spend my lunch break,” said Jenny, sitting up.
“Oh no,” said Kezia, reaching for the drawer in her nightstand. “We’re not done yet, honey.”
Jenny raised her eyebrows. “Is it my turn?” she asked eagerly.
Kezia shook her head, bringing out her harness and Jenny’s favorite dildo.
“No, not yet,” she replied, shedding her own pants.
Adjusting the harness, Kezia let Jenny slide a condom down its pink ridged length as she reached down to stroke Jenny’s still wet pussy. Condom in place, Kezia pushed Jenny back onto the bed. Leaning over, she licked Jenny fully with the flat of her tongue, enjoying the salty taste of her lover. With one last tender kiss on the other woman’s clit, Kezia sat back up and slid the dildo into Jenny.
Jenny groaned, her eyes closing with pleasure. Kezia rolled Jenny onto her side, spreading the other woman’s legs so that she was kneeling between them, holding Jenny’s upper leg tight in both hands. Slowly, Kezia rocked her hips, drawing the dildo leisurely in and out of Jenny, enjoying the wet sound it made as it filled her lover.
“I didn’t know you could be such a tease,” Jenny murmured, moaning softly, one hand clutching the wooden rungs of Kezia’s headboard.
Kezia smiled. Raising herself off her heels a little, she drove the dildo deeper into Jenny. The hand around the headboard clenched. Gripping Jenny’s thigh even tighter, Kezia began to drill the dildo into her lover, her hips jackknifing back and forth as she pumped as fast as she could.
Jenny moaned loudly, biting down on the pillow to try to keep quiet. “Fuck,” she gasped. “God, don’t stop.”
Biting her lip, Kezia kept going, watching Jenny squirm in the sheets, her full hips smacking against Kezia’s with every thrust. Letting go of Jenny’s thigh with one hand, Kezia slapped her ass, delighting in Jenny’s immediate reaction. The other woman groaned, burying her face in the pillows as she bucked frantically against Kezia and the strap on, her orgasm coming fast and hard. With a satisfied smile, Kezia watched with heavy-lidded eyes.
When Jenny lay panting in the aftermath of her climax, Kezia pulled out, detaching the harness and laying down next to her girlfriend. Jenny smiled at her, pushing her unmanageable hair off her face. “Well, that was spectacular,” she gasped.
Kezia grinned. “I’m glad. You’ve been such a star the last 24 hours. If I could, I’d make you come for the next week straight.”
Jenny laughed. “I appreciate the sentiment, but God, that sounds exhausting.”
Kezia laughed, curling against Jenny’s side. “Fair.”
Still stroking Kezia’s hair, Jenny asked, “You feel like talking about whatever upset you?”
Kezia sighed. “I went to visit my parents. To tell them about Juliet. I hadn’t seen them in six years, and I thought…I had this secret hope…that maybe they’d changed. That maybe they’d be glad to see me. Or at least that they wouldn’t be as harsh with Juliet as they were with me.” She looked up at the ceiling, remembering her parents’ angry faces. “But nothing’s changed. They don’t want to have anything to do with either of us. I mean, they’re our parents. I can see me, but Juliet? She’s only 17. She needs a family. Especially if she wants to keep that bloody kid.”
“She has a family,” said Jenny. “She has you.”
Kezia looked at Jenny out of the corner of her eye. “I’m just one person. Just one person doesn’t make a family. But God, you know, seeing them again, and how cold they are, almost makes me want Juliet to keep the kid. Just so that there can be one child in our family who knows what it means to be loved. To be wanted more than anything, no matter what.”
Jenny nodded. “I didn’t know that you were doing a part time interior design degree.”
Kezia sighed again. “At the moment I’m not really. My last classes were in the spring. I didn’t have enough money this semester. And the longer it takes, the more I wonder if it’s really worth it. I mean, my profs tell me I’m good, but there are always better out there…To be honest, I’ll probably just end up being a bartender for the rest of my life. God, I’m going to turn into one of those sad, failed old drunks that come into McGuire & Sons and sit in the back corner and drink from noon until midnight, never saying a word to anyone.” Kezia closed her eyes and groaned.
Jenny shook her head. “Don’t say that, Kez. We’ll work something out.”
Kezia nodded. “I hope so. Though, right now, I really don’t know see how.”
Rolling onto her side, Jenny kissed Kezia tenderly. “Baby steps,” she said. “First, I’m buying you Thai food for lunch. Then you’re going to go home to tell your sister you love her, even if her parents don’t.”
Kezia smiled. “Thanks, babe,” she said. “Can we just lie here a moment longer before we go get lunch?”
“Of course,” said Jenny, wrapping her arms around Kezia.
Chapter Four
After lunch, Kezia headed back to Jenny’s apartment to see how Juliet was doing. As she came in, she heard singing coming from the kitchen. Juliet had a lovely voice – their elementary school teachers had always put her front and center at the Christmas concerts - and Kezia hadn’t heard her sing in years. Her voice had grown stronger and little deeper and, if anything, more be
She was singing Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, one of Kezia’s favorite songs, and hearing it sent shivers down Kezia’s spine. Quietly, so as not to disturb her sister, Kezia crossed the apartment to lean in the kitchen doorway. Juliet was sitting at the table, her math textbook opens in front of her. But she was focussed entirely on her growing belly, cradling it in her hands as she sang to it. Kezia felt tears prick her eyes. This was the sort of love that their parents had never given them.
As the song came to an end, Kezia couldn’t keep herself from sniffing back tears. Juliet jumped. “Oh my God,” she said, putting a hand to her heart. “Were you there the whole time?”
“More or less,” Kezia smiled, coming to crouch down next to her sister’s chair. “Your voice, sweetie…it’s beautiful.”
Juliet smiled happily. “I read that it’s good for babies to hear music in the womb. Or, at least, that’s what the internet says.”
Kezia laughed, “Well, I can’t see that it would do them any harm.”
Juliet studied her sister for a moment. “Kez, you’re crying,” she said.
Kezia gave a strangled laugh and rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand. “Yeah,” she admitted. “I just…you really love that little creature, don’t you?”
Juliet chuckled. “If by a creature you mean my baby, then, yes, I do.”
Kezia smiled up at her sister, leaning her cheek against her thigh. “May I?” she asked, gesturing towards her sister’s belly.
Juliet nodded, lifting up her shirt so that Kezia could put her hands directly on her stomach. Tentatively, Kezia laid her hands on her sister’s skin, slowly spreading her fingers. Below her hands, she could feel the faint outlines of the baby’s body. All of a sudden something thumped against her palm. “Oh my God! It kicked!” Kezia grinned up at Juliet.
Her sister nodded. “Yeah, she’s just started doing that.”
“You already know the gender?” Kezia asked.
Juliet shook her head. “I haven’t gone for a single test yet. But I just have this feeling.”