One Little Letter_A Bad Boy, Second Chance Romance Page 26
John was wearing a vampire costume and looked like Count Dracula. When the introductions were over Dirk and Natasha mingled with the guests. Natasha was enjoying herself and loved every moment of it as she clung on to Dirk’s hand.
Dirk introduced her to John’s sisters, and then Natasha was happy to be with girls her own age. He then walked toward the bar but stopped short. His insides had flipped, and he felt a prickle shoot up his spine. Dirk slowly turned and came face to face with Ellen. She was dressed in a feline catsuit costume. Her partner was in an outfit similar to what Dirk wore, which surprised him no end. He wondered who her partner was, but he was sure a tall guy and easily the tallest man in the room.
Natasha missed Dirk and came looking for him. She saw him at the bar and wound her way toward him. Ellen who had smelled Dirk walked up to the bar at the same moment.
“Oh there you are honey, I smelled you from miles away,” she laughed. Natasha stopped in her tracks.
“That was kind of weird thing to say,” thought Natasha as she came to stand beside Dirk. She wrinkled her nose and looked shocked at Dirk’s response.
“I did too sweetheart,” said Dirk as he nipped her lightly on the neck. Ellen wriggled and giggled.
“You are so naughty Dirk,” she said as her partner joined them.
“What was all that about Dirk?” asked Natasha.
“Oh, nothing you should worry your pretty head about. She is my ex-wife,” he said.
“Oh no, I did not mean you talking to her, but what you said.”
“Said?” asked Dirk questioningly.
Natasha nodded. “Yeah about the smell thing,” she said. For a second Dirk looked petrified that Natasha had some inkling that he was not normal. He then threw back his head and laughed. “It’s Halloween sweetheart,” he said hugging her to him.
Natasha laughed too. “Oh yes, it is indeed, silly me.”
Dirk let out a sigh of relief. At least he had made her believe her, even if it was for the time being.
Ellen’s partner edged his way toward Dirk, and once again Dirk felt his hairs stand up. “Who are you?” asked Dirk. “I am Antonio, and I work at a local bar during…”
Dirk now knew that whoever this man was he was a vampire no doubt. “You mean to say you work at a local bar during the day and what do you do at night?” asked Dirk peering into the other man’s dark eyes.
The other man shrugged and walked off. Something in the man felt so familiar to Dirk, but he could not put his finger on it.
Ellen saw that Dirk was alone again and she edged her way toward him. “I saw you talking to Antonio. What did he say?” she asked.
“Antonio?” asked Dirk.
“Yeah my partner and the man whom I live with,” she said.
“Oh you mean that guy who just spoke to me?” asked Dirk. Ellen nodded. “You with him?” asked Dirk. Ellen nodded again. “Is he one of us?” Dirk whispered to Ellen. Ellen looked at her ex-husband and grinned. “Of course he is one of us. How could I stay with some normal human being? That would be impossible.”
Dirk nodded. “How is he to you?” asked Dirk.
“Oh, he is wonderful Antonio is great. We fly out every night and come back during the early hours of the morn,” said Ellen and Dirk knew by the tone in her voice that she was smitten by her new vampire lover.
Dirk and Natasha got home well past twelve midnight. He kissed her deeply as he left her at her front door and ran his fingers down her cheeks as his hand came to rest on her neck. “Goodnight sweetheart,” he said.
“Won’t you come in for a nightcap?” asked Natasha.
“No tonight darling. You said you parents were due tonight,” he said.
“Oh God I forgot,” said Natasha slapping her forehead.
He turned and walked back to his car and reversed it into the garage next door. Dirk got off the car and locked the garage. He ducked when a huge bat flew across the garden shrieking. He stood and watched it settle on a tree, hanging upside down and looking at him with its beady eyes. Somehow Dirk felt that familiar prickle shot through his spine. He shrugged his shoulders and walked into the house locking the door after him.
Chapter Eight
The following morning Dirk was awoken to the ringing of the telephone. He jumped out of bed and picked up the receiver. “Hello,” “Oh Dirk it’s me. I don’t feel too well,” said Ellen.
“Why don’t you see a doctor?” asked Dirk very annoyed that he should have been dragged out of his slumber only to answer a desperate ex-wife.
“Can I come over with the kids for the weekend?” Ellen asked.
“Of course you cannot. You no longer belong here, Ellen. You belong to that vampire boyfriend of yours. I have this feeling that the bastard is following me around and you’d better tell him that he is playing with fire if he continued to pursue me. Even last night the bastard flew over me shrieking unmercifully,” said Dirk as he banged the receiver back onto its cradle.
Ellen stood staring at the phone and then she shivered in anger. “Hello darling what’s all that about early morning,” asked Antonio coming over and putting his arms around her as he genuinely nipped her drawing a tiny amount of blood, which made Ellen squirm excitement. “You really know how to make me feel good, don’t you darling,” said Ellen as she turned and nipped him on the neck.
Back home Natasha is oblivious to the fact that she is dating a vampire. She is madly in love with Dirk. “I should be telling mom and dad about Dirk,” she thought to herself as she enjoyed a warm bath.
Dirk was on night shift again, and Natasha was at a loose end. Around five in the evening, she told her mom and dad that she was going to Safeway’s to do a bit of shopping.
Natasha was walking among the cosmetics when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around and came face to face with Ellen. “Oh you are Mrs. Mc Donald aren’t you?” asked Natasha smiling.
“Indeed, but let me correct you. It is ex-Mrs. Mc Donald,” said Ellen grinning.
“Would you care for a cup of coffee?” asked Natasha.
“Of course that would be lovely,” said Ellen thanking her stars that she would now get a chance to talk to Natasha.
They find a cozy nook and sit down. “How long have you seen my hus…I mean Dirk?” asked Ellen.
Natasha turned a dark pink. “It’s been about two months now,” she said smiling shyly. It was funny to be discussing Dirk with his ex-wife.
“You don’t have to be shy. I no longer belong to him,” said Ellen.
“I am sorry Ellen, but Dirk is such a good person,” said Natasha.
Ellen nodded. “He is a very nice man, but I don’t think you would think so once I have told you who he really is,” said Ellen.
“I don’t understand,” said Natasha looking nonplussed at Ellen.
“I know you don’t, dear,” said Ellen patting the other woman’s hand.
“Would you care to tell me, so that I know what I am getting into?” asked Natasha.
“Of course I will,” said Ellen.
She looked at Natasha for a long time and sighed. “You are not going to like what I am going to tell you, but it is the truth, and I thought that you should know,” said Ellen.
“Tell me, Ellen. I need to know,” said Natasha urgently.
“Dirk is not normal,” said Ellen.
“What do you mean by not normal?” asked Natasha her eyes round like saucers.
“Oh dear hasn’t he told you?” asked Ellen.
Natasha shook her head. “No, he has not said anything and will you please tell me what this is all about,” said Natasha.
Ellen thought for a moment. She and Antonio were leaving for North Atlanta with the boys, and she wanted to know for sure if Dirk was going to be alright. Vampires always looked out for their own kind even though they did not see eye to eye or rather fang to fang.
Ellen looked at Natasha for a long time and sighed. “In that case, I should tell you. Do you know that Dirk is normal during the day
and is a vampire at night?” asked Ellen.
“What?” shouted Natasha.
“Keep your voice down and calm yourself,” said Ellen sternly.
Natasha’s hairs stand up when she realizes that what Ellen is saying is true. “Oh my God, what am I to do,” cried Natasha holding on to Ellen’s hand.
“If that why you left him?” she asked Ellen.
Ellen shook her head. “No Natasha that is not why I left him. I am also a vampire, and so is my partner,” said Ellen. Natasha looks at Ellen in surprised as if trying to see her in a Count Dracula dress. Ellen nods and smiles and this time Natasha faints when she sees Ellen’s fangs.
Ellen does a quick twirl, and when Natasha comes round, she finds herself in her room. She slowly gets up and walks to the window. She looks toward Dirk’s house and sees it in darkness.
Natasha‘s hairs stand when she see a bat hanging from the tree outside her window, his beady eyes trained toward her. She banged the window shut and ran to the bathroom.
“Oh dear whatever have I got myself into,” cried Natasha and when she looks up at herself in the mirror she sees the impression of fangs on the side of her neck.
“Oh my God, whatever has happened to me?” Oh my God let me wake up from the terrible dream,” cried Natasha.
Her parents had gone out for the night, and Natasha was alone at home. Somehow she did not feel afraid as she did in the past. She felt strangely at peace. Hearing the doorbell Natasha runs down the staircase. Standing on her doorstep is Dirk.
“Hello darling,” he said. Natasha smiles and Dirk is surprised to see her fangs.
“Come with me Natasha,” he said holding out his hand. She slips her hand into his, and they both walk over to his place. Standing under the old oak tree, they hug and kiss and twirl around finally taking wing into the night sky, two bats happy and content in the evening. Finally, Dirk has found his soul-mate.
The End
I wanted to thank you for taking the time in reading Major Chance at Love. We hoped you enjoyed reading this happily ever after story.
It brought me great joy to write this as I love writing stories that entertain readers and draws them into another world with characters you love and hate. They say great books are those that evoke emotion out of you and I hope that’s what it has done for you.
Thank you once again, and I’ll see you in the next one.
Shifted Heart
A Bad Boy, Paranormal Romance
By Ruby Garrett
© Copyright 2016-2017 by Ruby Garrett
and Second Chances Press
All rights reserved.
In no way is it legal to reproduce, duplicate, or transmit any part of this document in either electronic means or in printed format. Recording of this publication is strictly prohibited, and any storage of this document is not allowed unless with written permission from the publisher. All rights reserved.
Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher. Names and persons in this eBook are entirely fictional. They bear no resemblance to anyone living or dead. To protect the privacy of certain individuals the names and identifying details have been changed. This is a work of fiction. Any names or characters, businesses or places, events or incidents, are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Chapter One
Gabriel was a fighter, a warrior, and a legend. He was well over six feet tall, and he had a muscular frame, long dark hair, and cold dead eyes. Gabriel walked purposefully down the castle’s hallways. He had lived in this castle for centuries. He was part immortal but still hadn’t been made a king. He entered the throne room and walked up to the king.
“Your highness. They are here.” He said
The king looked into Gabriel’s eyes and said, “Very well, Sir Gabriel. I want every able man we have to guard the walls. We will fight, and we will win.”
Gabriel smiled maliciously. The king was a man after his own heart. Gabriel bowed and said, “I won’t let you down, your highness.”
The king said, “I know Gabriel. You never do.”
Gabriel left the throne room and ran to the armory. He barged in and yelled, “They are here. At arms everyone! It is time to fight!”
The mercenaries, bounty hunters, and knights cheered and roared in excitement. Gabriel loved these guys. Each one is as vicious as the last. The bloodthirsty army grabbed their weapons and marched out to guard the perimeter of the castle. Gabriel stood atop of the castle’s main gate.
He looked at the approaching army. There was at least tens of thousands men with swords, axes, and longbows. He saw a few catapults being dragged through the mud. He planned to take those out first.
Simon the Gray walked up behind Gabriel and patted him on the shoulder he said, “Don’t kill them all this time eh Gabriel? Leave a few for the rest of us.”
Simon the Gray had been named because he caused so much misery and pain, or his hair was a youthful gray or something. Gabriel didn’t remember or care about such trivial things.
Gabriel smiled back at his best friend and said, “I’ll try my best Simon. But it’s against the king’s orders. He and I have an agreement, I will kill everyone and everything marching against us as quickly as possible.”
Simon returned the smile and said, “I’ll give you five hundred pieces of gold if you leave a thousand men.”
Gabriel thought about this proposition for a while. He looked into Simon’s eyes and said, “Deal.” They shook hands. Simon walked off to find his post.
Gabriel watched the army march toward his beloved castle. He saw a man in the front aim a longbow into the sky and fire an arrow. It flew through the air and landed in the mud just ten feet away from the castle.
“Time to fly,” Gabriel said.
He transformed into a dragon. He flew above the castle and roared. All sounds including the footsteps, conversations, chants and jeers of bloodlust, the wind, and the birds all fell silent. All that could be heard was Gabriel’s roar. He beat his wings and flew toward the opposing army. He breathed fire and incinerated the first catapult. He felt dozens of arrows pepper his stomach and wings, but they bounced off of his rock hard scales.
Gabriel breathed fire again and killed hundreds of men as they screamed from the excruciating pain. Death by a dragon, not the best way to go. Gabriel flew toward the next catapult. He took aim and breathed as much fire as he could. The catapult melted to pieces, and the rock inside of it dropped onto three men, crushing them immediately.
Gabriel smiled to himself. Two birds with one stone. Gabriel turned around and flew toward the final catapult. The people in charge of manning it pulled their ropes down and fired. Gabriel breathed as much fire as he could and destroyed the catapult in the middle of the firing pin was released. The rock flew forward no more than fifty feet and landed on a dozen men and rolled through the mud killing several more.
Gabriel looked down at the enemy army. He saw terrified expressions, dead bodies and a few people lying on the ground screaming in pain. Gabriel inhaled and exhaled fire. The flames engulfed his enemies, and within a few minutes, Gabriel had killed all but five hundred of them. The final five hundred men shot a few arrows at Gabriel, and he noticed a few middle fingers held up at him. He laughed as he flew away into the sunlight.
Chapter Two
It was a beautiful day. Gabriel beat his wings furiously and flew over mountains, forests, and rivers. He passed a few towns and smaller castles. He arrived at his preferred location. It was called the Dump. He landed on the ground and transformed back into a human. He walked into his favorite bar on earth.
“Hey! Gabriel my good boy! What can I get for you?” The bartender asked.
“I’m pretty thirsty Tom. Get me a beer, a pint of mead, a pint of red wine, oh… a wheel of cheese, three loaves of bread and some meat.” Gabriel said off the top of his head. Being a dragon always seemed to make him famished.
“Yes, Sir Gabriel.
Right away!”
The bartender smiled and hurried to collect all of Gabriel’s favorite food and drinks. He loved Gabriel both for the entertaining tales of blood and sex and for the hefty tip Gabriel always gave him.
All of Gabriel’s drinks and food were assembled in front of him. Gabriel drained the pint of mead and began wolfing down the cheese, bread, and meat. He turned around and scanned the bar. He saw three beautiful maids in the corner booth smiling decadently at him. He saw a few young men playing the lute, a drum, and a flute. Gabriel turned toward the bartender and said, “Any news, Tom?”
Tom shook his head. “Sorry, Gabriel. Things are pretty slow around here. Do you have any news?” He asked with an expectant look on his old face.
Gabriel nodded as he stuffed his mouth with cheese. “The castle was attacked today. Over ten thousand enemies.”
“Ten thousand enemies?!” Tom repeated.
“Yeah. They are sending more and more ever day. Luckily, we have a dragon on our side.” Gabriel said with a smile.
Tom laughed. “You’re one cocky man, Gabriel. You should watch yourself. Even dragons aren’t immortal.”
“I know. It’s just hard to imagine my own death. I’ve been through so many battles and wars, and I’ve never gotten so much as a wound.” Gabriel said.
“Don’t you worry about that. If you keep fighting you’ll get your wound soon enough.” Tom said.
Gabriel didn’t doubt that. The only thing he questioned was if he would ever get a wound fighting a measly ten thousand men with nothing more dangerous than a few catapults. Gabriel imagined what would happen if he was flying right in front of a catapult at the exact moment it fired. As unlikely as it was, Gabriel decided even that would cause him little damage.
He remembered when he had fallen asleep while flying across the Valley of Skulls. He had fallen over ten thousand feet and woken up to the sound of his body smashing into the rocks and debris that lay at the bottom. He looked around at the skulls of various creatures and men around him and then he looked up at the night sky. He sneered, and sparks came out. He laughed at his lack of mortality. At this moment he decided surely nothing could kill him.